

Person working at laptop

Activate your accommodations for Spring/Summer 2024

  • You must activate your accommodations every term.
  • If you have test or midterm accommodations, SAS will book your tests/midterms for you.
  • You can view midterm and test booking information using the SAS Online Student Portal under “My Appointments.”
Student writing in a notebook.

The Student Success Centre offers writing and academic skills support

Writing and academic skills are key to your success in university, no matter what Faculty you’re in.

Connect with the Student Success Centre to learn about academic peer mentoring, coaching and writing advising to help you succeed academically.

Through one-on-one appointments and support, you can identify areas to improve, create a plan to achieve your goals and more.

Person working at laptop

Important Spring/Summer 2024 academic dates

  • May 6: Classes begin
  • May 13: Last day for enrolment and course changes (drop/add)
  • May 20: Victoria Day (no classes)
  • June 5: Last day for withdrawing from courses without failure by default
  • June 21:Classes end
  • Final exams: Arranged by instructor
  • October 15 to 18: Deferred exams