Activating Accommodations

Hello, and welcome back! This page is for undergraduate students who have an accommodation plan. If you’re new to SAS, learn more about how to register.

You must activate your accommodations at the beginning of each term or when you enroll in a new course or course section. This is important because it ensures your instructors are aware of your accommodations. You must activate test and midterm accommodations at least 10 calendar days before the test.

Need support or have questions?

Activate Your Accommodations

Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes


  1. Log in to MySAS Portal.
  2. Click “Accommodation” in the menu on the left.
  3. Click “Activate Accommodations.”
  4. Select “Click Here to Proceed.” Your approved accommodations will appear.
  5. Select the term (e.g., “Fall 2024”) from the list. This will reveal your courses for the term.
  6. Either click “Submit for All Accommodations” or “Review the Renewal” to select the courses that you would like to activate your accommodations for.

We’ll review and process your request within three business days (Monday to Friday). Your program coordinator will email you to confirm that your accommodations are active.

Two students in the hub studying with a laptop and notebook.