
Welcome to Student Accessibility Services (SAS)! We provide academic accommodations and related supports for students with disabilities at McMaster.

We’re here to help you succeed in university. Use the resources on this page to guide your experience with SAS, whether you’re a new student completing the registration process for the first time or a returning student coming back to activate your accommodations for the term.

Take action on MySAS Portal

MySAS Portal is where you register for SAS, activate accommodations, book tests, request follow-up appointments and more.

MySAS Portal

Processes for Academic Accommodations at McMaster

The following pages include detailed text and visual instructions on each part of the academic accommodations process.

Two students in the hub studying with a laptop and notebook.

New Student Registration

Three students in the media lab working at computers.

Activating Accommodations

Two students having a conversation on campus.

Booking Tests and Midterms

Students sitting on University Hall steps pointing to a laptop screen.

Follow-Up Appointments and Requests

Need support with MySAS Portal?

Stop by our office in MUSC B101 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Have questions?

  • Our chatbot is available 24/7. Access it by clicking the “chat with us” icon at the bottom right on any page of our website.
  • Visit us in MUSC B101.
  • Call: (905) 525 9140 ext. 28652
  • Email: or for test-related information