Viewing Student Accommodations (Instructors and Faculty)

Welcome, instructors and faculty! At Student Accessibility Services, we’re here to help you support students with disabilities.

All instructors are required to view and implement accommodations for students registered with SAS in their courses. For graduate students, faculty will email instructors the students’ accommodation letters each term. For undergraduate students, you have two options to access this information in MySAS Portal:

You have two options to access this information in MySAS Portal:

  • Pull a list of students with accommodations in your courses that can be exported as a simple Excel file. Information provided includes student name, student number and course accommodations.
  • Access individual student accommodation letters for program coordinator contact information and a timestamp of when the accommodations were approved.

Visit the Accommodation Definitions page for more information on accommodation types. Use this page to guide accommodation implementation in your courses.

View/Export Lists of Students with Accommodations 


  1. Log in to MySAS Portal.
  2. Click “Courses” in the menu on the left.
  3. Search for your course under “Course Catalog.” There are two ways to do this:
    • Use keywords or filter by term.
    • Scroll down to find a specific course.
  4. In the course subtab, click “Enrolled Students.” These are all the students with active accommodations in your course.
  5. Export the list as an Excel file:
    • Click “Batch Options.” Click “Save as Excel.”
    • Click “Entire List” to download.
  6. The Excel will contain the following information: student name, student number and course accommodations.

Visual instructions: Click on the screenshots to expand.

View Accommodation Letters 


  1. Log in to MySAS Portal.
  2. Click “Accommodation Letters” in the menu on the left.
  3. A list of all accommodation letters for all students in your courses will appear. 
    • Click “More Filters” to filter by term and course.
    • Type student names or numbers into the keywords field to search for specific students.
  4. Notice the timestamp at the bottom of the letter of accommodation. This helps you identify the date and time when the student received accommodation approval.
  5. Click on the accommodation letter you would like to read.

Optional: You may sign to acknowledge student accommodations. However, this is no longer required. If you choose to do so, type your name under “Recipient Acknowledgement.” The letter’s status will change from “Requested” to “Signed.” This may be helpful to track which letters you have already reviewed.

Types of Accommodation Letters

  • Letter of Accommodation: The student received an accommodation plan for the first time at McMaster.
  • Accommodations Activated: The student carried over an accommodation plan from previous terms.
  • Additional Accommodation Request Approved: The student has had an accommodation added to their plan during the current term.

Visual instructions: Click on the screenshots to expand.