Accommodation Definitions

Type of Accommodation Category Accommodation Name Description
Testing Accommodation Time extension Extra 15 min/hr for quizzes, tests and exams Student should be provided with the extra time/hr listed for assessments indicated. If professor uses UDL principles, and adds extra time for all students, SAS students should only be provided extra time when accommodated time exceeds UDL time.
Testing Accommodation Time extension Extra 30 min/hr for quizzes, tests and exams Student should be provided with the extra time/hr listed for assessments indicated. If professor uses UDL principles, and adds extra time for all students, SAS students should only be provided extra time when accommodated time exceeds UDL time.
Testing Accommodation Time extension Extra 45 min/hr for quizzes, tests and exams Student should be provided with the extra time/hr listed for assessments indicated. If professor uses UDL principles, and adds extra time for all students, SAS students should only be provided extra time when accommodated time exceeds UDL time.
Testing Accommodation Time extension Extra 60 min/hr for quizzes, tests and exams Student should be provided with the extra time/hr listed for assessments indicated. If professor uses UDL principles, and adds extra time for all students, SAS students should only be provided extra time when accommodated time exceeds UDL time.
Testing Accommodation Time extension Extra 75 min/hr, 90 min/hr, 120min/hr, 150min/hr, 180 min/hr Extra time for quizzes, tests and exams. Student should be provided with the extra time/hr listed for assessments indicated. If professor uses UDL principles, and adds extra time for all students, SAS students should only be provided extra time when accommodated time exceeds UDL time.
Testing Accommodation Time between tests/exams 1 Test/ Exam Per Day Student should only be scheduled for maximum one test/exam per day. Students do not have a minimum of rest from one day to the next one, i.e. one test can happen at night time and the next one on the next day during the morning.
Testing Accommodation Time between tests/exams 24 Hrs Rest Student should have approximately 24 hr spacing between the start of 1 test/exam to start of next one. (eg. Could be 22 or 23 hours)
Testing Accommodation Time between tests/exams 1 Days Rest Student should have approximately 1 full day rest between all tests/exams (e.g. if they are scheduled on Monday, next one should not be scheduled until Wednesday).
Testing Accommodation Time between tests and exams 2 Days Rest Student should have two full days rest between all tests and exams.
Testing Accommodation Time between tests and exams 3 days rest Student should have 3 full days rest between all tests and exams.
Testing Accommodation time of day Morning Tests are booked to write within the approximate time range- 8:30am-12:30pm
Testing Accommodation time of day Early Afternoon Tests are booked to write within the approximate time range -12:30 pm-4:00 pm
Testing Accommodation time of day Late afternoon Tests are booked to write within the approximate time range -4:00 pm-7:30 pm
Testing Accommodation time of day Evening Tests are booked to write within the approximate time range -7:30 pm-10:00 pm (all tests are required to end by 10pm)
Testing Accommodation location Small group room Approximately 20 students writing in the test/exam space
Testing Accommodation location Large group room Approximately 40 students writing in the test/exam space
Testing Accommodation location Alone room Student should be booked into an isolated/alone room space.
Testing Accommodation location Writes in SAS Testing Centre All tests and exams to be scheduled at the SAS Testing Centre
Testing Accommodation software Kurzweil Text-to-speech software with optical character recognition used for viewing and listening to documents.
Testing Accommodation software Dragon Speech-to-text software used for navigating desktop and/or dictating/formatting text in documents. Software works with Microsoft Word
Testing Accommodation software Zoomtext Screen magnification and reading software used for viewing and listening to documents.
Testing Accommodation software JAWS Screen reader and braille-compatible software used for navigating desktop and listening to documents.
Testing Accommodation software MathType This software integrates with Microsoft Word to write mathematical formulas and chemistry notation using an onscreen keyboard, keyboard hotkeys, or LaTeX.
Testing Accommodation software ChattyInfty
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Requires a Computer Student will answer test questions in digital format. If digital copy of test is not indicated on the accommodation plan, the student will write answers using a word processor and must clearly label the typed answers by number. When digital copy of test is requested on the accommodation plan, the student will respond to the numbered questions directly on the digital test copy.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Special Keyboard (see keyboard type below) Special keyboard is selected in consultation with the assistive technologist when using a computer for tests and exams.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Mousetrapper keyboard
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Large print keyboard-white on black
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Large print keyboard-black on yellow
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Kinesis Freestyle (ergonomic)
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Half Qwerty keyboard
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology McMaster Approved Calculator Student has a specified learning based need supported by documentation that warrants the need for a calculator for assessments.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Touchscreen Tablet Wacom Cintiq Pro is a multi-touch display used to navigate the computer, handwrite, or draw by hand with a stylus. The tablet combines with Xournal++ software for writing with digital ink, inserting shapes, and typing mathematical formulas and chemistry notation from the keyboard using LaTeX. The student will respond to the numbered questions directly on the digital test copy.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Macbook A laptop running apple operating system for blind/low vision students who are familiar with using the VoiceOver screenreader.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Video magnifier (CCTV) For students who are low vision and need paper copies magnified.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Noise cancelling headphones Student requires the use of noise cancelling headphones for tests/exams to reduce ambient noise in the background that may distract student’s focus/attention from the assessment.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Personal Noise Cancelling headphones Student’s have been approved to bring personal noise cancelling headphones to tests/exams. They will be required to confirm with invigilator that headhpones are not connected to any bluetooth devices to support exam integrity.
Testing Accommodation Assistive Technology Personal ear plugs Students have been approved to bring personal ear plugs into tests/exams. If electric, they will be required to confirm with invigilator that they are not connected to any bluetooth devices to support exam integrity.
Test Accommodation Assistive Technology Talking and Large Print Scientific Calculator Scientific calculator with large print buttons, display, and auditory feedback for students with low vision who are permitted the use of a scientific calculator in a test or exam. Performs scientific and trigonometric calculations, and fractions.
Test Accommodation Assistive Technology Digital /Visual timer SAS approved digital/visual timer will be provided to student to use on desk during test/exam.
Testing Accommodation Furniture Adjustable table Student should be scheduled at a station with an adjustable table. Student should be permitted to adjust table as needed during test/exam and may rotate between sitting and standing. If student needs larger adjustable table due to disability needs, PC will also add alone room to plan.
Testing Accommodation Furniture Supportive Chair Student should be provided an ergonomic chair for tests/exams. Unless otherwise specified, chair should be adjustable (e.g. adjustable headrest, back, arms etc).
Testing Accommodation Furniture Desk lamp Student is provided a desk lamp to use for their tests/exams.
Testing Accommodation Furniture Swing Arm The monitor swing arm allows the student to adjust the positioning of the monitor for optimal viewing position.
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Test/exam copy required in digital format Tests/ exams are requested from Instructor in an electronic format (pdf ) for students using Kurzweil, ZoomText, touch screen tablets
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Test/exam copy required in a Microsoft Word format Tests/exams are requested from instructor in MS Word only format to facilitate related accommodations: JAWS, Enlarged/bolded font/diagrams
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Enlarged Font (specify size on drop down menu) Test copy should be typeset in font size as indicated on plan.
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Bolded Font Font within test copy should be bolded for entirety of test/exam.
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Enlarged Diagrams Any diagrams found within tests/exams should be enlarged to half 8.5×11 size paper.
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Test printing on colored paper-white, off white, green, blue Tests/exams will be printed on colored paper as specified by accommodation plan.
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Circle MC answers on test paper For any multiple choice questions, student will circle answers directly on test paper. The student will not use the scantron paper.
Test/Exam format Braille lite For students who are blind and need test and exam copies converted into braille. Braille is a tactil alphabetic system used to imporve the readability of printes text.
Testing Accommodation Individualized support Knowledgeable Reader SAS makes arrangements with the Faculty
Testing Accommodation Individualized support Knowledgeable Scribe SAS makes arrangements with the Faculty
Testing Accommodation Individualized support Reader SAS makes arrangements
Testing Accommodation Individualized support Scribe SAS makes arrangements
Testing Accommodation Health/Breaks Snack/Juice Student to bring their own snack or juice to their tests/exams
Testing Accommodation Health/breaks Take medication Student may need to take medication or use medicated cream during tests/exams to manage disability symptoms.
Testing Accommodation Health/Breaks BP/Glucose Monitor Student may need to check their blood pressure or monitor their glucose levels
Testing Accommodation Health/breaks Washroom access Student may need to use the washroom frequently during their tests/exams
Testing Accommodation Health/Breaks Stand/Stretch Break Student is allowed to stand up and stretch during their exam
Testing Accommodation Health/Breaks Sensory Item A small item used to support purposeful activity with hands (e.g. fidgeting or stimming). May be used to support focus/attention, to help a student calm down or to support sensory regulation. Items should be noise free, and may include fidget spinners, or items students can squeeze, pull or manipulate to serve purposes described above.
Testing Accommodation Health/Breaks Health Aid An item that is used to support a student in terms of their medical related needs. Items may include a pillow, heating pad, sunglasses, or medical device.
Testing Accommodation Health/Breaks Supervised Break Student will be accompanied by an invigilator for a break for disability reasons.
Testing Accommodation Additional Test /Exam Accommodations Leniency with spelling Consideration for spelling errors on tests and exams due to a student’s disability
Testing Accommodation Additional Test/ Exam Accommodations May Listen to Music during Tests/ Exams Student permitted to listen to music arranged by the SAS testing centre during tests and exams . Students are to provide SAS testing centre with a commercial copy of a CD to use in the testing centre.
Testing Accommodation Additional Test/Exam Accommodations Formula Sheet for Test/ Exams Student permitted the use of a formula sheet for tests and exams. Please email approved formula sheet 3 business days before scheduled test /exams.Please see SAS website for further information on the implementation of the accommodation.
Testing Accommodation Additional Test/Exam Accommodations Memory Aid for Test/ Exams Student permitted the use of a memory aid during tests and exams. Please see attached memory aid guidelines. Please email approved memory aid sheet 3 business days before scheduled test/exam
Additional Test/Exam Accommodations No AI Monitoring Student should be exempt from using Respondus or any proctoring software for tests and exams. Student to discuss this accommodation in more detail. Student may be able to use live proctoring such as zoom as an alternative or can be invigilated by a staff member.
In Class Accommodation In class support Extensions on Assignments/Lab reports Student will reach out to professors in advance of deadline when an extension is required due to disability. Student may ask for up to one week extension. In extenuating circumstances, student may not be able to reach out prior to the deadline and/or may require additional extensions and should be directed to their Program Coordinator. For End of term extension request, please follow faculty process re: Incomplete or deferred work. Each faculty implements these requests in different ways.
In Class Accommodation In class support Access to Power points/slides The student should be provided access to class power points ahead of class time, when and where providing slides is possible and/or when providing slides does not jeopordize the educational intention of the session.
In Class Accommodation In class support Student may audio record lectures Student may approach instructor with physical recording device, i.e., recorder/microphone.
In Class Accommodation In class support Alternative for the occasional absence of missed class/work/tests Student may need to occasionally miss class due to disability related reasons. Instructor to provide accommodations that align with class policy. Student to notify their Professor of the disability related absence as soon as possible. Student does not require to submit an MSAF when using this accommodation. If there is concern that due to the number of absences student is no longer able to meet essential requirements of the course please direct the student back to their Program Coordinator.
In Class Accommodation In class support Alternative format for class presentations Students may require an alternative format for class presentations. Students should reach out to their Instructor to discuss this accommodation at the beginning of the term and come up with an accommodation that still meets the essential requirements of the course. Examples of accommodations may include allowing student to present to just the Instructor, student to video record their presentation, student allowed to bring notes to the presentation etc. Instructors are invited to reach out to the Program Coordinator to discuss further.
In Class Accommodation In class support Alternative format for class discussions Student may require an alternative accommodation for class discussions/participation components to course. Student is required to meet with their Instructor at the beginning of the term to discuss the use of their accommodation and to come up with an arrangement taking into consideration the essential requirements of the course. Instructors are invited to reach out to the Program Coordinator to discuss further.
In Class Accommodation In class support Alternative to cold calling Where class involves the instructor spontaneously on students, the student will meet with the instructor to discuss alternatives to meet class participation requirements.
In Class Accommodation In class support Reserved Seating in-class Student requires access to reserved seating for disability reasons to support access to course content, and/or to support participation. Student or Program Coordinator will reach out to the Instructor to confirm details of the accommodation. Instructor to place a “reserved” sign for the student.
University Accessibility Planning In class support Digital annotation Handwritten content generated in class should be captured and projected onscreen using classroom annotation technology. Support for annotion technology from Campus Classroom Technologies.
University Accessibility Planning In class support Video Captioning Captions or subtitling is a written transcript of the video’s audio that shows up at the time when the audio is played. If you require video captioning support for videos presented in class, submit the Video Captioning and Described Video Request Form to Library Accessibility Services.
University Accessibility Planning In class support Video Captioning-Corrected Automatic captions are reviewed and corrected for accuracy. This may be in the form of a lecture transcript. SAS will make arrangements.
In Class Accommodation In class support Instructor Requested to Use Microphone Accommodation applies as it is. Support for microphone technology from Campus Classroom Technologies.
In Class Accommodation In class support Intructor requested to face students when speaking/ repeat information during discussion Accommodation applies as it is.
In Class Accommodation In class support Use of FM Hearing System in Class Accommodation applies as it is. Usually refers to students who bring their own FM system device but may also include assistive listening device installed in classroom. Instructor is to wear a microphone supplied by the student if requested.
University Accessibility Planning In class support Use of Assistive Listening Device (ALD) Student will be required to be in a classroom with ALD technology. The instructor is required to use the classroom microphone. Support for microphone technology from Campus Classroom Technologies.
University Accessibility Planning In class support Described Video/Visual Description Accommodation provides meaningful decription to images/charts/graphics/tables/videos/films. SAS will make arrangements with support from Library Accessibility Services
University Accessibility Planning In class support Classroom lecture recording Echo360 is a system used at McMaster to video record and live stream lectures, and lecture content. Recordings with captioning and transcription are to be made available using Echo360. Support for Echo360 from Campus Classroom Technologies.
University Accessibility Planning Individualized support CART: Communication Assisted Realtime Transcription A remote stenographer service provides real-time corrected captioning for individual students during lectures/tutorials/labs as required. SAS to make arrangements.
In class accommodations Individualized support In Person Notetaker A notetaker will be hired to take notes for the student. SAS to make arrangements.
In class accommodations Individualized support Digital Notetaker SAS to support student with receiving summary class notes. The student will record their lectures and upload them to a university reviewed remote service provider. If it is a virtual class, the remote service provider may join the classroom digitally. SAS to facilitate making arrangements. Student will delete the recordings at the end of the term. The remote provider has agreed to delete any McMaster recordings within one year. Accommodation is reviewed on a term by term basis.
University Accessibility Planning University provided Accessibile Parking Student is in need of parking close to campus building for disability related reasons.
University Accessibility Planning Alternate Format Texts Please select required alternate format: Accessible PDF, Tactile Braille/Braille, Daisy, ePub, Kesi, Large type, MP3, PDF, print, word Student may require textbooks and/or class material in an alternate format for disability related reasons. SAS will work with Library Accessibility Services (LAS) to make proper arrangements. LAS or Program Coordinator will reach out to instructor if addition support is required.
University Accessibility Planning Individualized support ASL Interpreter ASL interpretive services will be hired to translate in real-time during lectures/labs/tutorials as required. SAS to make arrangements.
Testing Accommodation Test/Exam format Test broken into mulitiple parts Student test and exam copies to be split into multiple parts