Submitting Test Information (Instructors and Faculty)

Welcome, instructors and faculty! At Student Accessibility Services (SAS), we’re here to help you support students with disabilities.

The MySAS Portal relies on collaboration between instructors, the Tim Nolan Testing Centre and students. Through working together, we can ensure efficient accommodation processes.

Please submit test information and copies on MySAS Portal as early as possible in the term. This will ensure a smooth booking process for students and allow our Testing Centre to begin resource planning. Please note the following deadlines:

  • Test information: Submit no later than 10 calendar days before the test.
  • Test copies: Submit no later than five calendar days before the test.

If you are unable to meet these deadlines, please move the test back by five calendar days to allow students enough time to book.

Submit New Test Information


  1. Log in to MySAS Portal.
  2. Click “Courses” in the menu on the left.
  3. Search for your course under “Course Catalog.” There are two ways to do this:
    • Use keywords or filter by term.
    • Scroll down to find a specific course.
  4. Click the course title.
  5. There are four subtitles under the course title: “Course Details,” “Enrolled Students,” “Test Bookings” and “Test Information.” Click “Test Information.”
  6. Click “Submit New Test.”
  7. Follow the form instructions.
  8. Format the test title as “COURSE-TEST NUMBER-DATE.” Example: ENG 1P13-MIDTERM1-NOV092024
  9. Select the test date within the calendar. Please ensure the start date and end date are the same.
  10. Select a test start time by clicking one timeslot under the weekday that matches your test date.
    • To correct an error, hold Ctrl and click the incorrect time slot.
  11. In the next text box, type the latest possible date and time for the student to write with the same test information.
  12. Enter the base duration (minutes) of your test in the drop-down.
  13. Select if the test follows universal design for learning.
    • If you select yes, enter the duration (minutes) of the test that you are giving to the whole class.
  14. Select if SAS needs to provide in-person testing support.
    • Yes, SAS will provide in-person testing support.
    • No, SAS only needs to provide the online test support. Then, skip to question 18.
  15. Click the format of the test.
  16. Upload the test files.
    • Test file (Test copies must be submitted at least five days before the test.)
    • Test resources for the class (i.e., crib sheet, formula sheet)
  17. Click “submit.”

We’ll receive the test information after you submit the form. You can view and edit the submitted test information in the test information tab.

Visual instructions: Click on the screenshots to expand.

Adding Memory Aids/Formula Sheets to Test Bookings

  1. Log in to MySAS Portal.
  2. Click “Courses” in the menu on the left.
  3. Search for your course under “Course Catalog.” There are two ways to do this:
    • Use keywords or filter by term.
    • Scroll down to find a specific course.
  4. Click the course title.
  5. There are four subtitles under the course title: “Course Details,” “Enrolled Students,” “Test Bookings” and “Test Information.” Click “Test Bookings.”
  6. Type the student’s name in the keywords field.
  7. Click to apply the search. All tests that the student has booked for this course will appear.
  8. Find the test booking to add a memory aid or formula sheet to.
  9. Click the student’s name. This will open their test booking details.
  10. Scroll down to the attachment heading.
  11. Click “Add Item.”
  12.  Upload the required documents.
  13.  Click “Submit.”

Visual instructions: Click on the screenshots to expand.